

May the Mild be with you!

Each year in May, lovers of mild participate in mild trails throughout Britain to support CAMRA's (The Campaign for Real Ale) national "mild in May" campaign. There is always a mild trail in Birmingham, usually taking place on a Saturday in the month.

Mild is one of the many styles of real ale. It was particularly popular in the latter half of the 19th Century and the first half of the 20 th Century, but was then overtaken in popularity by bitter in the real ale stakes. With CAMRA’s support a slow but steady resurgence of mild has taken place, not just in its traditional strongholds of the West Midlands and the North West but also further afield.

When people think of mild they often presume that a mild will be low in gravity. Although most milds are indeed on the low ABV (Alcohol By Volume) side, there are many exceptions to this, with strong milds such as Fixed Wheel Mild Concussion and Sarah Hughes’ Dark Ruby Mild being among those that weigh in high up the ABV scale.

So why not give mild a try? You’ll be in for a most pleasant experience!