

Welcome to the Birmingham Branch of CAMRA, the Campaign for Real Ale

Read the latest branch magazine by clicking below


Pub & Club Guide

A Map and List of all the Birmingham Branch Area Pubs and Clubs

LocAle Guide

Branch Pubs Accredited to the LocAle Scheme

CAMRA West Midlands
Please click here to see the Regional Website, and Links to West Midlands CAMRA Branch Websites

Branch & CAMRA History Section!

Have a look at Our Breweries new page

Would you like to write an artice for the next Branch magazine?
If interested, please contact the editor Magazine Editor
Below are the deadline dates.


About Us

Birmingham CAMRA is made up of volunteers from across the city and from all walks of life.

We are united together in the common cause to promote pubs within the city and championing the Campaign that has been instrumental in bringing cask ale, cider and perry to our local hostelries.

Members give up their hard earned time to do this and meet up with one another, mainly over a pint or two!


Active Campaigns

CAMRA books and other products
Have a look at what's currently available, including new titles, here

Pub Trails
Have a look at our new Pub Trails

What Pub Beer Scoring
Check or submit your Beer Scores

Please Share News on our Social Media

If you've got some exciting Pub, Club, Beer or Cider news to share, please post on our social media channels below




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Central Office having your wrong email address (including .com or the wrong way round)?
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Central Office not having your email address?

We have 500+ members in Birmingham that don't receive our weekly email. Are you one of them? Why not check the above via your CAMRA account on the national website, Or phone Central Office on 01727 867201.